About the Logo:
The event logo symbolizes the bear, representing strength, family, vitality, courage, and health. Known in the Indigenous Northwest Coast culture as the Protector of the animal kingdom, it is a powerful coastal animal, characterized as thoughtful and independent. Three species within Coastal British Columbia are Grizzly, Black, and Kermode.
The bear’s bluish frontal crest symbolizes the Pacific Salmon, with five species thriving in the North Pacific waters of British Columbia: Chinook, Chum, Coho, Pink, and Sockeye. Blue represents the color of the sea and sky, signifying the Sea-to-Sky Country, a fjord/mountain region spreading from Vancouver to Whistler via Squamish.
The bottom end of the bear’s frontal crest symbolizes the Fraser River, the longest river in British Columbia, also named Stó:lō by the local Indigenous people living along the river.
The hockey stick and gloves represent the Canadian cultural passion for winter sports.
The white tree shape on the left side reveals the Coast Douglas Fir, an evergreen conifer native to western North America.
The top of the bear’s head reveals an ear, with three spikes on top symbolizing the North Shore Mountains, a small subrange of the Pacific Ranges, the southernmost grouping of the vast Coast Mountains.